Outsunny 47x22 x 23x22 x 35x22 Wooden Raised Garden Planter Bed with Rear Grid Wall u0026 A Spacious Planting Area for Vegetable GEEG_R2NV52

$172.39  $65.77

Product details:

Are you a garden planting fan? If so, please look at this Outsunny planter raised garden bed which will give your vegetables and flowers a perfect growth space. This planter box is designed with enough space so that the plants can reach their full potential. The solid wood material of the garden box can ensure its durability indoors or outdoors, gardens or greenhouses, or other areas. Furthermore, due to the plant bed's raised design, you don't have to hurt your back by bending down to tend to your plants. You can also DIY or decorate the back grid with rattans or LED lights, making it a beautiful part of your home.